Disease Name:


microRNA Score: 0.0345

Gene Score: 0.0244

Pathway Score: 0.0656

Micro RNA Tissue/ Cell line MicroRNA regulation Targeted Member Pathway More Details References
hsa-miR-26a Zos Down JAGGED1 Notch signaling pathway Upregulation of miR-26a inhibits the expression of Jagged1, one of the Notch ligand. MicroRNA-26a functions as tumor suppressor via suppression of Jagged1/Notch signaling.
Lu et al., 2016
hsa-miR-489 Bone Down PAX3 c-MET signaling pathway MicroRNA-489 suppresses osteosarcoma metastasis by inhibiting PAX3 expression.
Liu et al., 2016
hsa-miR-494 U2OS, MG-63, SaOS-2 Down IRS1 PI3K-Akt signaling pathway MicroRNA-494 acts as a tumor suppressor in osteosarcoma by down-regulating IRS1 expression.
Zhi et al., 2016
hsa-miR-506 hFOB 1.19 Down AEG 1 Wnt signaling pathway MicroRNA-506 acts as a tumor suppressor by down-regulating AEG-1 expression in osteosarcoma through the regulation of the Wnt signaling pathway.
Yao et al., 2016
hsa-miR-26a Bone Down JAGGED1 Notch signaling pathway MicroRNA-26a suppresses stem cell-like phenotype and tumor growth of osteosarcoma by down-regulating Jagged1 expression.
Lu et al., 2016
hsa-miR-20b MG-63, U2OS Down HIF 1 ALPHA VEGF signaling pathway MicroRNA-20b inhibits cell invasion and proliferation by down-regulating the expression of HIF-1-alpha.
Liu et al., 2016
hsa-miR-26a MG-63, U2OS Up GSK 3 BETA Wnt signaling pathway MicroRNA-26a plays an important role in the proliferation of human osteosarcoma cells through regulating Wnt signaling pathway.
Qu et al., 2016
hsa-miR-21 MG-63 Up PTEN PI3K-Akt signaling pathway MicroRNA-21 plays an active role in osteosarcoma through PI3K-Akt signaling pathway by inhibiting PTEN expression.
Lv et al., 2016